Bringing the joy back to medicine
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The list of Privia-affiliated practices continues to grow. To make your search easier, our career advisors can help you find your ideal opportunity. Reach out by phone at 888.881.3413, email Providercareers@priviahealth.com, or fill out the form and a member of our team will reach out to you to discuss options that match your specialty and geographic preferences.
Ways we support the success of physicians
Privia Health is here to work with physicians and private practice owners to help them succeed and prosper. When you choose to work with a Privia Health practice, you’ll find:
Growing nationally to keep healthcare local
Private practice physicians have the greatest ability to impact the health of their communities locally. At Privia Health, we have the tools, technology, resources, and desire to help eliminate clinical obstacles and challenges facing private practitioners today. With Privia Health supporting practices and uniting physicians under a national network, we’re able to unlock the true transformative power of private medicine. There are hundreds of private practices and thousands of practitioners who are rediscovering the joy of medicine with the help of our support and services.
Success Stories
Our Physician Voices Podcast Series
Hear Nalini Casey, MD, a Maryland-based pediatrician, discuss her decision to move to a new practice, how Privia simplified the transition, and the benefits of a Privia partnership.
Join a Thriving Private Practice With Privia
We're dedicated to matching you with a private practice that shares your values, aligns with your career goals, and offers you greater autonomy and earning potential.